This check-in is for Tuesday, July 20th, 2021 starting at 12:15 AM CST.

It’s my 17th personal check-in on my blog here at, and if this is your first visit to my website and hat shop, welcome, and thank you for stopping by. I am always grateful for every visit.

I have been checking in here on my blog since Sunday, July 4th, 2021, and since that day, my check in posts here serve as my social media because I do not post my content on social media networks other than Twitter. My Twitter posts are generally updates only about this website, and my beanie store. If you would like more information about why I stopped posting on social networks, see CHECKING IN 002.


2:41 AM CST – Hello and good day to you! How is everyone today? I hope everyone is doing well. I am as normal up and steadily focused tonight on trying to get some productive things done for the store and my website. I have just added a new beanie to the store. I’ve also made some updates around the website in the recent 6 hours or so. Be sure to check the UPDATES store for the updates that have been made and go check out the store to see the new beanie, and all of the others available. I have put myself on a timer tonight to make sure I’m staying on top of my work. I’m giving myself 1 hour to work and then 15 minutes to take a break. Taking a break doesn’t mean just sitting around or wondering around the house not doing anything. It means throwing clothes in the washer if I have to or any other task that I can quickly do in a few minutes before I get back to my laptop to work on my store. It also means not spending all night writing too much lol. So I gotta get back to work.

7:18 AM CST – I’ve had a very productive morning today. Putting myself on a timer worked like a charm pretty much. I got several new hats listed in store, and quite a few updates made around the website. I was debating with myself about going on an early morning shopping trip, but I don’t really need anything. I think what I want actually is what I call a “hoarding trip”… you know where you go shopping just to look around… and then come back home with 8 bags of stuff you definitely don’t need. I am definitely wanting to take a trip out to the lake somewhere and do some photography… but not today. I forgot to charge up the batteries for my Cannon… but I do have a new Vivitar action cam. I actually got it on clearance for just $25.00 at Walmart a few weeks ago. It was a lucky find. The sticker said $40 bucks, but the cashier checked it for me and it was actually $25 so I couldn’t pass the deal up. I haven’t really been an avid video shooter, but having this new camera could spike my interest to learn. I could take it out to the lake today to shoot some footage, but I need a tripod. So I guess I do need something afterall, and I do have some reasons to go shopping. On the other hand, I really don’t feel like leaving my house. I’ll report back later with whatever I decided to do.

10:19 PM CST – What a lazy day I’ve had since my last check in update today. So I didn’t go shopping. I literally slept all day, and all evening have been chillin’ out at home. I did go for a run on my elliptical machine, so I haven’t been totally lazy. For the rest of the night until bed time again tomorrow morning, I will be down in my studio working on the store. I’m having a late dinner tonight. I haven’t eaten anything all day.

11:48 PM CST – It has indeed been a lazy day for me. I just remember that my laptop froze up on me this morning before going to bed, and that I didn’t get to post this check in… until just now. Oh well better late than never. See you in the next check in. You know you can always find the most important updates on my UPDATES page.


Below you can find links to random videos I watched (or just popped up in my feed, and shared for viewer interest) on YouTube, interesting websites or articles I wanted to share.


No YouTube today.


That is it for this post. Again I thank everyone who visits this website, reads my content, shares my content, and most especially those of you who buys my handmade products and supports my small business.

I have comments shut off on this website to stop spammers.

You can email me directly anytime at with any feedback or questions you may have about this website, or my beanie shop at Storenvy.


Store owner and blogger here at – David Thrift

Shop all of David’s handmade beanies here at Storenvy.